Saturday, August 18, 2012

Davao City Now Over populated City

What's in it for us? I honestly feel that there is a problem between over population here in Davao. I just want to share my views. Why are we now experiencing heavy flood. I think nowadays since we are growing I mean the number of people here in Davao is fast multiplying. We can also take time to pay attention to discipline ourselves when it comes to those garbage, since our city is more focused on how to separate non biodegradable and bio degradable thrash, we can help. It could not be you reading this article right now but somebody you may know who always burn wires to make an alloy and sell it. I f we have time and a place in the house where we can plant a tree we can do it, I don't want all of us to realize that its too late to cure our city. How Are we going to survive during shortage of water and food supply? I always have in my mind the old ways of conserving water, for instance placing a tank and using the water to cover up for the shortage or water supply interruption.I wish we can have clean and green city as always.

How can we keep Davao City as Lively as it has been over the past decades?

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