Sunday, January 1, 2012


They covers the happy view
To be not seen by me
It may  be wrong in what they do
But they insisted that its right
But they should say Im lucky
Don't know whyIim excited seeing them
They just simply makes me feel good
Sometimes I forgot to look up
Just because rain is on its way
And because of that I doubt
That maybe heavens above was just angry
At time I take the shining stars
and the great moon for granted
I disregard the sweet view
Where I used to free my mind
Still I will remain very lucky
Cause I would never regret the times
When I used to stare at heavens above
Still I wonder why?
The clouds always block its way

Created this poem at my young age last year 1999 then I joined a poetry contest online year 2001 and this was one of the entry selected for " letters from the soul album ".

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