Monday, January 21, 2013

Enneagram Test Results
Type 1 Perfectionism |||||||||||||||| 66%
Type 2 Helpfulness |||||||||||| 42%
Type 3 Image Focus |||||||||||||||| 66%
Type 4 Individualism |||||||||| 38%
Type 5 Intellectualism |||||||||||||||| 70%
Type 6 Security Focus |||||||||||||| 58%
Type 7 Adventurousness |||||||||||||||| 66%
Type 8 Aggressiveness |||||||||||||||| 62%
Type 9 Calmness |||||||||||||||||| 78%
Your main type is 9
Your variant is sexual
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Wednesday, September 19, 2012

My gifts "28th"

Stripes mug
Franzia red wine

I am very blessed to have been surrounded by good friends 
Families and lover. This year, I aged up with a sad thought for thinking that my baby did not care to greet me. Though I know that he loves me much, still my being a woman or a virgo shows up. Happy to have my boyfriend and I hope to have him as my half. Love is the greatest gift I always receive from the people around me and this year my heart found it's partner.

212 scent
cool victoria secret scents, mac lipstick and make up kit

cooking guide

Red wine - given by my sweet niece, I love red wine.
212 - given by my friend.
cool kit - sent by my ex bf, said its for all occasion.
Cooking guide - I forced my sister to pay for it, lol.
Cute mug - My cousins gift
DOB- Sept. ** 1984

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

 Kadayawan Festival 
Like other Cities we have a special celebration for good harvest and unity of dabawenyos. We owe it to "The Gods" for blessing us with abundant fruits and charming orchids. Katutubo (Tribes) inspired dance contest, Peagent, and other  activities were performed and enjoyed by Dabawenyos and of course by travellers who witnessed the Kalingawan sa Davao during Kadayawan.

                                                  Photo was taken after the festival

                   Durian is affordable in our city specially when it's season, from August until October amount is raging from P20-P50 per kilo. And nowadays we actually don't need to wait for those months to enjoy the fruit, you can take advantage of Durian almost everywhere here in Davao.

Saturday, August 18, 2012

Davao City Now Over populated City

What's in it for us? I honestly feel that there is a problem between over population here in Davao. I just want to share my views. Why are we now experiencing heavy flood. I think nowadays since we are growing I mean the number of people here in Davao is fast multiplying. We can also take time to pay attention to discipline ourselves when it comes to those garbage, since our city is more focused on how to separate non biodegradable and bio degradable thrash, we can help. It could not be you reading this article right now but somebody you may know who always burn wires to make an alloy and sell it. I f we have time and a place in the house where we can plant a tree we can do it, I don't want all of us to realize that its too late to cure our city. How Are we going to survive during shortage of water and food supply? I always have in my mind the old ways of conserving water, for instance placing a tank and using the water to cover up for the shortage or water supply interruption.I wish we can have clean and green city as always.

How can we keep Davao City as Lively as it has been over the past decades?

Sunday, January 1, 2012


They covers the happy view
To be not seen by me
It may  be wrong in what they do
But they insisted that its right
But they should say Im lucky
Don't know whyIim excited seeing them
They just simply makes me feel good
Sometimes I forgot to look up
Just because rain is on its way
And because of that I doubt
That maybe heavens above was just angry
At time I take the shining stars
and the great moon for granted
I disregard the sweet view
Where I used to free my mind
Still I will remain very lucky
Cause I would never regret the times
When I used to stare at heavens above
Still I wonder why?
The clouds always block its way

Created this poem at my young age last year 1999 then I joined a poetry contest online year 2001 and this was one of the entry selected for " letters from the soul album ".

Saturday, December 3, 2011

This Crying Heart

Here I am thinking about our past
Wondering why you could not even reply my emails
Knowing I was the one who break it up

All I want to know is how you've changed
What made you love me less 
Where is the promise you made?
When will you be mine again

I pretended to tell you my heart changed
just to hear from you that I'm your life
But what I get is nothing 
and it leads me to breaking my heart again

What I need from you is love
The times we use to share
things that brings happiness to me
Your strength which carries me

Now that we're far apart
The pain I feel is less
not like the way when we're together
For some reason maybe God wanted this to happen
Cause you have been my life, But did not love me the way I loved you.

wrote this when I remember the sadness trying to accept that he is gone.
date: march 18,2009 
makati macabulus st.  manila